Family & Divorce Mediation

In a traditional divorce, parties rely on lawyers to define their needs and expectations based on the lawyers’ understanding and application of the law. Even without going to trial, the traditional divorce process is inherently adversarial with both parties assuming positions and strategies advocated by their lawyers.

divorce-mediation family and divorce mediationDivorce mediation is a non-adversarial process in which the parties, not their lawyers, are empowered to make their own decisions for the terms of their divorce, separation, or post-divorce dispute. The parties make these decisions based on their understanding of their own views, each other’s views and the reality they each face. Divorce mediation is a good choice if both spouses want to avoid the contentious and costly nature of the traditional adversarial process. Mediation serves to reduce the tension and trauma associated with divorce, and participants are more often satisfied with the process and outcome of a mediated, rather than a litigated, settlement.

For more information about our family & divorce mediation services, please visit our sister website.